Special exhibitions
The Pomeranian State Museum regularly presents special exhibitions. Here you will find an overview of currently running exhibitions, an outlook on our future plans and an overview of past special exhibitions.
On view again
Until the opening of the “Gallery of Romanticism”, we will be presenting glimpses from the art collection in our convent building from spring 2025 on. Look forward to seeing old acquaintances such as Frans Hals and Vincent van Gogh, meet artists in new constellations and discover familiar works as well as those that have been waiting to make their appearance.
New, white ceramics from Szczecin
The aim of the cabinet exhibition is to reinterpret the craft tradition known as ‘Szczecin ware’ in the light of contemporary artistic and cultural contexts. The works on display were created as part of ceramic workshops in which the participants set themselves the task of engaging in a creative dialogue with the historical heritage.
Viking Gold. Treasure Politics since 1800
Travelling exhibition with digital presentation
October 2025 to January 2026
Treasures from the Viking Age (c. 800–1100) are regularly unearthed in the Baltic Sea region today, and it was no different in the past.The discovery of these treasures sparked multifaceted processes of appropriation: Who gets to keep the “Viking gold”? Where will it be shown? Who identifies with this cultural heritage? Who rejects it? And how do these processes change over time? The exhibition “Treasure Politics” shows that both the appropriation of cultural heritage and its rejection are politically charged.