Digital Accessibility Statement of the Pomeranian State Museum

In 2016, the European Union issued Directive 2016/2102, which obliges public bodies to make their websites and apps accessible on the internet.

The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has implemented this obligation in Section 14 of the State Disability Equality Act (LBGG M-V).

The legal provisions are currently:

  • the Act on Equality, Equal Participation and Integration of People with Disabilities (State Disability Equality Act - LBGG M-V) of 10 June 2006, last amended on 29 May 2021, as well as
  • the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (BITVO M-V) of 14 December 2020.

The Pomeranian State Museum endeavours to make all Internet pages accessible without barriers. This declaration applies to all internet pages of the domain that are implemented with the content management system TYPO3.

Status of compatibility with requirements

The University of Greifswald’s website, including mobile-player viewing, largely complies with the requirements of § 13 of the LBGG MV.

Non-accessible contents

  • Not all PDF documents are offered in an accessible version.
  • Not all embedded videos have subtitles.
  • No alternative texts are available for embedded audio files.
  • No information is provided in German sign language and plain language.

Reasons for these deficiencies

The provision of videos and audios with audio transcription has so far only been possible to a limited extent due to the size of the archive. We are continuously working on eliminating these deficiencies. But in view of the limited staff capacities at the museum, offering content in sign language and easy language is unfortunately not feasible.

Preparation of this statement

This statement was prepared on 16 December 2022 and last reviewed on 30 January 2023.
Review methodology: Self-assessment

Feedback and contact

Have you noticed any deficiencies in the accessibility of our content? If you have, please send us a note with a description of where you noticed the error.

Julia Kruse
Communication and Marketing
Press Officer

Phone: +49 (0) 3834 83 12 25
Email: kruse{at}

Enforcement Procedure

As part of the enforcement procedure, you can call upon the Digital Accessibility Monitoring Agency of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (only in German).