Galerie der Romantik
Caspar David Friedrich was born in Greifswald in 1774. Today he is the most famous painter of the 19th century worldwide, and he’s the focus of our new Galerie der Romantik, which will be constructed over the next few years. Visitors will enter the gallery via a chapel that uses multimedia to introduce them to Caspar David Friedrich’s poetic world of images. You can experience how his paintings took shape, immerse yourself in the originals, and learn what kind of person this son of a soap-boiler and chandler from Swedish Pomerania was. Or did you know that Caspar David Friedrich bred canaries and was famous, even notorious, for his billowy full beard?
In 2024, there is no painting exhibition apart from the three special exhibitions on Caspar David Friedrich:
Caspar David Friedrich 2024
Our exhibitions for the artist's 250th birthday
Caspar David Friedrich. Lifelines 28.04. – 04.08.2024 | Caspar David Friedrich. Places of Longing 18.08. – 06.10.2024 | Caspar David Friedrich. Hometown 16.10.2024 – 05.01.2025 | 250 Steps towards Caspar David Friedrich Interactive stages